Welcome to the News 8 Now/Fox Rochester blog of Campaign '08.
We're 6 days away from Super Tuesday, when New York and more than twenty other states will help select candidates for President.
The field is narrowing. One day after the Florida primary, Rudy Giuliani (R) and John Edwards (D) both abandoned their White House bids. This leaves Tuesday's field down to 2 Democrats and 4 Republicans, and Sen. Hillary Clinton as New York's sole candidate.
1 comment:
I strongly believe that a woman can be a great president, but simply being a woman should have little consequence on becoming President of the United States.
I believe that Hillary is smart, hardworking, experienced and competent-she can make a good President.
She is, however, a divisive and polarizing figure.
If Hillary becomes the Democratic Nominee and if John McCain becomes the Republic Nominee (that likelihood grows stronger each day), he will receive the Republican vote as well as a large part of the Independent vote. She will receive most of her votes from the Democratic base. Thus, making it difficult for her to win her Presidential Bid.
If Barack becomes the Democratic Nominee, he will receive votes from the base as well as Independents and new voters!
He is the Greatest Hope for Change!
I support Barack Obama not only because I feel he is the most electable in the general election, but because he is what is needed most for the country and for the world…Tolerant, Unifying, Inspirational as well as Smart, Hardworking, Experienced and Competent.
Please join me in support of our future by casting your vote for Barack Obama on Tuesday, February 5, 2008.
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